A common question of computer users looking for an online backup service is, "What exactly should I be looking for in backup service?" These are the 3 most important features that you should be looking for before you sign up:
1. Automated Backup Scheduling:Any decent backup company will offer automated backups. These sort of backups are handy because they allow you to upload new data to their servers every single day without pushing any buttons. This is great for computers that are on most of the time but are not used very often. No one has to be at the computer for the backup to begin. Make sure the backup service offers daily backups. Automated backup scheduling provides great peace of mind for you, the user.
2. Backup Whenever You Want:Being able to backup on demand is just as important as automatic backups. This is important if you have just saved an important file(s) to your computer and need to make sure you have a backup of it as soon as possible. On demand backups are perfect for those situations, as well as when you just feel like saving all your data. You know that feeling you get that makes you always want to click that save button when typing documents. Well, on demand backup allows you to do that with all your files.
3. Quick And Simple File Restoration:When you do actually need a file that you backed up, you don't want to have to wait forever to access it. The online backup service you use should allow you to quickly find the file that you are looking for and restore it to your hard drive in only a few clicks. This is important when you have lost a file that you need right away and don't have time to go through some complicated restoration process. File restoration should be quick and simple