HTC has revealed the latest version of the Advantage, the X7510. They have doubled the size of internal flash memory from 8GB to 16GB, also in addition it features TouchFLO, Opera Mobile 9, Google Maps as well. It rumored to be containing Windows Mobile 6.1. Also containing the features from the old Advantage version, which includes 5 inch VGA display, GPS with TomTom Navigator 6, triband HSDPA and Quadband GSM/GPRS/EDGE, Bluetooth, Wifi, QWERT magnetic keyboard, ATI video acceleration with Ahem, 256 MB ROM and 128 MB RAM, 624MHz processor.
The HTC Advantage X7510 will be available by the March of this year, but only for European countries, US user have to wait for a while, but its not certain whether they get their hands on it or not. There is no clear idea about its pricing.
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