Blu-ray is an optical disc format which is set to rival HD-DVDin the race to be the
de-facto standard storage medium for HDTV. The HD-DVD vs Blu-ray battle resembles
that between Betamax and VHS and DVD+RW and DVD-RW.
Currently, the major Hollywood film studios are split evenly in their support for Blu-
ray and HD-DVD, but most of the electronics industry is currently in the blue corner.
The key difference between these new players and recorders and current optical disc
technology is that Blu-ray, as its name suggests, uses a blue-violet laser to read
and write data rather than a red one. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red
light, and according to the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), which is made up of,
amongst others, Sony, Philips, Panasonic, and Pioneer, this means that the laser
spot can be focussed with greater precision.
Blu-ray discs have a maximum capacity of 25GB and dual-layer discs can hold up to
50GB - enough for four hours of HDTV. Like HD-DVD, Blue laser discs don’t require
a caddy and the players and recorders will be able to play current DVD discs. Codecs
supported by Blu-ray include the H.264 MPEG-4 codec which will form part of
Apple’s QuickTime 7, and the Windows Media 9 based VC-1.
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